Lions recognize Bonnie Whitehead as Centennial member

The Clifford Lions Club postponed their Christmas meeting until Jan. 12 at Gramma Jo’s Restaurant here due to inclement weather in December. They also postponed presenting a surprised Bonnie Whitehead with an honorary Centennial membership to their club.

After a turkey meal served country style, the club held a short business meeting acknowledging the support of their members and their volunteers with their ongoing activities. Lil Smith helps collect their pop cans and Randy Binkley delivered the pop cans to London and picked up the cheque for their value. Guests Werner Rodde and Zachary Leith help with their many projects like the bowling event happening in February.

Special award

Secretary Ivan Campbell presented a special award, an honorary membership to “An individual having performed outstanding service for the community or this Lions club, upon whom this club desires to confer special distinction.” In recognition of helping report their club’s activities through the local media, Bonnie Whitehead was presented with a Lions tack pin and  a Certificate of Centennial Membership, Lions Clubs International since 1917. She received a copy of the Lions Club objectives that promote and encourage their members to take an active role and serve their community. The Lions Code of Ethics was also included, reminding all to aid those in need, be careful with criticism, liberal with praise, resolve doubt, and that true friendship demands nothing.

Whitehead was “quite surprised” to be chosen for this centennial membership, almost as surprised and emotional a couple years ago when she learned she had been chosen as their citizen of the year for 2013.

“These people create a fun and wonderful organization with much enthusiasm for the community and their service projects,” said Whitehead.

The Lions invite anyone interested to contact Campbell at 327-8132 to learn about the club.

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Lions Clubs International, District A-9 Governor Gary Wood has chosen ‘no hill too high’ with ‘new mountains to climb’ as his theme.

 Club officials stated Clifford Lions will do their fair share to scale those hills and reach those plateaus to serve their community and beyond.

The Clifford Lions Club hosts meetings every other Thursday evening at the Clifford Fire Hall or member’s homes.

