Liberals have left cupboards bare

Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece came out swinging, following the release of the long-anticipated Don Drummond Report.

“Reckless, short-sighted and irresponsible spending, with little concern for the future; that’s how the [Dalton] McGuinty government got us into this mess,” Pettapiece said. “The Liberals have left the cupboards bare.”

The government can’t just blame the global economy for the sorry state of its finances, he stated.

Don Drummond, an economist, was hired about a year ago to look at provincial spending and recommend changes because of a $16-billion deficit.

Pettapiece said the Drummond Report is clear.

“The roots of Ontario’s current fix lie in both the economy and in the province’s record of failing to keep growth in government spending in line with revenue growth,” Drummond wrote in his report.

“We can’t control the global economy, but we can control spending,” said Pettapiece. “For years, however, Premier McGuinty has proven that he can’t and he won’t.”

Released Feb. 15, the report has 362 recommendations to cut costs and find program efficiencies in order to get the provincial deficit under control. Unless the government takes action, the report warns, the province will face a crippling deficit of more than $30 billion in just five years. Ontario’s debt, meanwhile, would spiral to more than $411 billion.

“We already have a deficit of $16 billion, and we’re already borrowing about $1.8 million every hour of every day. With each passing hour, we’re digging the hole deeper.”

Prior to the release of the report, the Progressive Conservative caucus put forward ideas to help reduce the size and cost of government. Those include a public sector wage freeze, competition for public services delivery and reform to the province’s public sector arbitration system.
