We need more gym

Dear Editor:

I’m a John Black Public School student. Gym is an underrated subject. What I mean by this is that we only have gym here at John Black twice a week yet every other subject is basically daily. 

Gym is very good because it gets you fit and is almost always fun and entertaining and helps with burning calories, unlike sitting in the classroom not moving. 

Also, MRI scan studies show that students’ brain’s work better after being active; this means that we can focus more after being active. We don’t even need to have it all day, but at least more than twice a week. 

Lastly, what I am trying to say is that gym is a really great subject and could help students to be in shape and always active, plus, you’ve got to be active to survive.

I hope you have read this and agree with my thoughts and talk to a local administrator near you. Help convince school boards Canada-wide to incorporate gym more often.

Samuel Da Silva,