Dear Editor:
An open letter to Premier Doug Ford.
Newsflash: not everyone needs booze, or needs to go to a corner store to buy it! You seem obsessed with the product (ie. – “buck a beer” and the expensive convenience store outlet rollout).
After your costly/unnecessary election, you want to waste more?
Now you want to pull American booze from the shelves. Great symbolic move, but isn’t this wasting more money? This inventory has been bought and paid for and shipped to us, stocked and warehoused.
Sure- stop all future orders, but why not let these products just sell out, instead of paying more to repack, ship and costly store until who knows when?
Perhaps add a 25% “Buy Canadian” levee on American booze (and maybe just keep selling it if the market will bear this).
Then maybe, just maybe, use the money for something that benefits all of us.
Keith Porty,