Wants trail access

Dear Editor:

There have been meetings and discussions regarding Pearle Hospitality since the June 30 public meeting. It was very clear at that meeting that the citizens of Elora have major concerns with the development. I do believe Pearle got the message loud and clear. They will be reworking the plan. We shall wait and see if all of our concerns will be addressed.

But the one thing that has been bothering me for years is the lack of access to the trail and river as well as a proper view of The Tooth of Time.

It sounds like it could be up to 10  years or more before the entire public trail system will be completed.

I am hoping that with the near completion of the Pottery building that perhaps Pearle can make a section of the trail from that building accessible to the public. Perhaps access from Wellington Road 7 and fencing off the site from that point would allow public access along the trail and down to the river. It would be a show of good faith to this community. We have been denied access already for many years and another 10 years or more is way too long.

It is time we are all granted some form of access to our promised trail.

Please, let’s try to make this happen in the very near future.

Linda Lane,