Wants ‘good future’

Dear Editor:

RE: Trick or treat, Oct. 31.

I agree with Dave Adsett. The thought of voters receiving money from Premier Doug Ford may seem like a treat, but in reality it’s a trick. 

People can see many trying to save as inflation continually rises and as people are left with almost nothing to support them. The thought of receiving $200 would bring joy to so many. 

However, the economy is suffering. When people receive money from the government, they are excited; but in reality the money is their taxes going back into their pockets. Individuals are left with the same amount of money as what they started with. 

Canada as a whole is losing money rather than saving it. The $200 that voters are receiving would be of much better use in the health care system than back into pockets to be used on wants. Canada is filled with homelessness, bad health care and bad schooling. 

The taxes that individuals are paying should be put towards these categories; to shape Canada’s economy into a more welcoming and affordable place. 

The article brought up plate stickers. Many are happy to save $120, but in reality the treasury lost over $1 billion in revenue. This again points to how Canada is suffering. Canada will continue to lose money and eventually society will have nothing left to support them. 

I believe people only think of themselves in the present rather than how something would affect them in the future. 

As a 17-year-old, I would like to have a good future. With how things are evolving, there will be nothing to look forward to. No food, no house, no work.

What would society rather have, $200 or a place to live in 20 years? Think about how the actions in the present will shape the economy in the future. 

Karen Feenstra,