Wants bike lanes

Dear Editor:

I am a grade 7 in John Black Public School and I think that there should be bike lanes in Fergus. 

My first reason is that it would make it more safe for kids. Considering that there are lots of kids and teenagers that bike to school, it would make it much safer to get there. Personally, as a student I bike to school and I always have to stop because people are walking down the sidewalk and it takes so much longer to get to school if I always have to stop.

My second reason is that if there are bike lanes more people would bike. If more people bike, less people drive. If less people drive you have less pollution from cars which would make the air cleaner.

My third reason is that having bike lanes makes the roads safer for bikers and reduces crashes. I hope that you agree with my reasons to get bike lanes in Fergus.

Julia Krnac,