‘Voodoo’ economics

Dear Editor:

RE: Picking winners, April 4.

Wayne Baker of Wellington North offered a good summary of the county’s proposed Continuum of Care project, outlining the “voodoo” economics used by the consultants – $500 per square foot for construction, 25 to 50 years for mortgage money (who would lend money for that length of time?).

The people that need help (ie. – those with less than a $35,000 annual income) are being asked to help pay for this project rather than being able to live in this retirement community.

Warden Kelly Linton and councillor Chris White have raved about how great this project will be. 

They forget that there is a fair number of seniors who can not afford to live there and are buckling at their knees with the present tax load.

There’s no need to pile more on the taxpayers when it benefits so few people.

Bud Russell,
