Virus good for the air

Dear Editor:

As bad as this virus is to humans it seems to be good for the environment. Air quality around the globe is probably the best its been since before the industrial revolution.

Now if we can stop putting plastic in the oceans and throwing garbage all over the Earth future generations might have a planet worth living on.

I live north of Fergus.  Every day I walk between five and 10 kilometres and pick up so much garbage which is mostly recyclable. I don’t agree with it but I understand why people throw away beer containers as they don’t want to be caught with empties in their vehicles, but why can’t they keep their fast food, pop and water containers until they get home?  Why is it necessary to throw this garbage out of their vehicles?

One way to reduce this is to raise the deposit on beer containers to at least a dollar instead of a ridiculous 10 cents, which might make them think before they drink and drive, then toss.  If you got a dollar for every container more people would be willing to walk the side roads and collect them.

I’m not sure if that would work with take out fast food and drinks, but maybe a surcharge for take away would slow it down.

With most of the population staying home and looking for things to do, why not a family outing to walk the side roads to pick up garbage? You don’t mix with others, you get exercise and help the planet.

Mick Smith,