Two thumbs up?

Dear Editor:

  With Earth Day coming up soon I suggest everyone watch Climate the Movie which is free on the internet. 

Once you have watched through to the end you will see that there is nothing to fear except the green scammers.

President Xi over in China is laughing his head off and raking in the dollars selling the west windmills and solar panels that last only 20 years and lithium batteries even less. Do we really think he believes in “crisis” climate change caused by CO2? The proof is in the pudding; he is building a new coal fired power plant every week.

Closer to home, do we really think our political parties believe in “crisis” climate change? No, since they are flying all over the country spewing CO2 as they impose taxes and regulations that ruin our lives but not theirs.

The Earth has been warming since the little ice age caused by the sun. Don’t let anyone eclipse that fact.

Jane Vandervliet,

*Editor’s note: The movie mentioned in this letter repeats many debunked and misleading climate change denial claims.