‘The need for change’

Dear Editor:

RE: Enough already, Dec. 12.

I couldn’t agree more with your editorial – enough already indeed!

Enough of suggesting women should “wait their turn” while watching the same male faces rotate through leadership positions. Enough of implying that sitting on a specific committee somehow outweighs years of proven leadership experience and fresh perspectives.

Enough of dismissing legitimate concerns about representation as “self-serving.” Enough of suggesting that questioning the status quo somehow disrupts well-being or impact. Enough of being so afraid of change that we take an entire editorial column to model what protectionist thinking and language look like.

And finally, enough of implying that advocating for change must be about money. Since you mentioned my business, let me be clear: as my accountant likes to remind me, municipal campaign school is all volunteer time. Like many in our community, I put energy into actions I feel will build a stronger Wellington County. 

Your dismissal of these efforts is telling. You suggest critics “don’t understand the process.” Actually, we understand it perfectly. That’s exactly why we are putting time, effort and money toward changing it. 

The real inconvenient truth is that our current county council does not reflect the makeup of our community. Different perspectives around decision-making tables matter, even (especially) when they make the traditional power structure uncomfortable.

Yes, enough already. Enough of the same old approaches. Enough of suggesting women should be grateful for whatever role they’re allowed to play. Enough of defending systems that have lost their commitment to service in favour of those already in power. 

So rather than giving up as it seems you were asking of me, I will continue to invite our community to think about the type of local government we want. Based on the response to my letter that I have received and your attention to it, I am not alone in seeing the need for change. 

Curt Hammond,