‘Stubborn and spiteful’

Dear Editor:

  I have listened closely for last few days to the roll out of changes to the capital gains tax and trying to see where the fairness described lies. This all sounds good until the hard questions get asked.

The intent to tax only the wealthy falls short. I know personally a few friends and relatives who over the years have purchased rental properties with the goal only to boost their retirement income by one day selling these properties to retire not wealthy but with a livable income.

Let’s not forget the doctors,  who years ago incorporated their practices to shield against this to avoid provinces from paying very high pay so they would stay here rather than go to U.S. and be paid two and half times more. 

The answer, the finance minister says, is they will include doctors in this and provinces should just pay them more. One day if this government is around and the social programs all recently added are all downloaded to provinces like the original health care system was, who will pay then?

If I know more than one of these hard working people who have worked and ground their way through life, so do many others.

The finance minister is tone deaf and the Liberal Party is too stubborn and spiteful to listen to the official opposition, which got more votes than them, and instead chooses to listen to the fourth-place party instead. 

Kudos to the Conservatives for taking those few weeks to study this.

Doak McCraney,