Dear Editor:
Being a long afflicted local history nerd, I wanted to send along a comment about the Stephen Thorning Revisted articles that the Advertiser has been running for years now. After reading the really good recent article on celebrating Christmas in late 19th century Wellington County, it struck me how great these articles as a whole have been.
What caught my eye was that Stephen had passed away in February 2015 and how that is now pretty much a decade ago. I wondered what he would’ve thought of the last 10 years of the comings and goings of our community, what would he have thought was the good, the bad and the ugly?
I lost one of my parents last summer and I wondered what would their impact be a decade from now?
Stephen’s family I hope can take some real positive solace in the fact that his work is still enjoyed, his sense of humour is still intact and his knowledge and enthusiasm for Wellington County’s stories is still inspirational.
Jeff Duncan,