Setting a bad example

Dear Editor:

Family trips to the Ottawa protest? What’s next, tickets to the Ukraine? Like numerous other Canadians I have found the last few weeks to be stressful and concerning. The events that I have watched are something that I attribute to the COVID-19 global pandemic. We are told that this pandemic has resulted in a marked increase in persons seeking treatment for mental health. Possibly for some this translates into a need to participate in a protest.

For me these last few weeks have been very disappointing. I am disappointed in the federal government’s handing of the Ottawa protest. I am also disappointed in the Conservative Party for their handling of this protest as well. Both parties appear to have turned this event into a political game where each party was more concerned about scoring political points. It appears that showing good leadership was not important. The heckling (verbal abuse) that I witnessed in the House of Commons, mostly by the CPC members, was childish and ill timed. I am a life long Conservative supporter and now I question that.

I am also disappointed and concerned by two Letters to the Editor that I read recently in the Advertiser. Is it possible that these are “spoof” letters? I find it hard to believe that parents would take their children to the Ottawa protest rally and hope to see violence. In addition to being a total waste of fuel, it seems totally irresponsible that a parent would do this. 

Hopefully the Wellington Advertiser admits that these letters are not genuine and were only published to stimulate discussions by it’s readers. Over the years I have read many great letters to the editor in the Advertiser. 

The majority of these letters reflect readers that are articulate and are expressing views that are both civil and well thought out.

Dave Dorman,

*Editor’s note: The Advertiser is unaware of any “spoof” letters that have been printed in recent editions.