Save the squirrels

Dear Editor:

I’m a John Black Public School student. Every year 41 million squirrels get run over. Our tax money goes towards cleaning up dead squirrels. So why don’t we protect them? I propose that the municipal government of Fergus build wooden poles between telephone wires for squirrels to cross. This would probably cost less than to pay to clean up dead squirrels. 

In Los Angeles they are spending $90 million to build an overpass for coyotes so, why don’t we pay way less to save squirrels? Squirrels are important for the environment because they help grow plants and they help preserve forests. So why let them die and then pay to clean up their bodies instead of paying the miniscule amount of money to save them?

Squirrels are smart enough that I believe that if there were poles for squirrels to walk across they would use those and not get run over. Also other animals like badgers and cats could use these poles. Cats and squirrels can cause accidents so why don’t we stop these accidents?

So please, Mayor Shawn Watters, instead of using our taxes to clean up dead squirrels use them to keep squirrels alive.

Sebastian Krewenki,