‘Public shaming’

Dear Editor:

RE: Administrator used museum van, staff for personal move, April 25.

I have to say that I was disappointed in this article published in last week’s issue of the Wellington Advertiser.

The headline is very misleading and the article approaches tabloid level content. Most of us can relate to the stress of a moving day, and things not always going according to plan.

Not only did Janice Hindley pay for the van and people that helped, she also received the help while employees were on lunch break. She wasn’t moving across the province, she was moving from Elora to Fergus. 

This article was the result of neighborhood gossip and should not have been reported on the front page of any legitimate county newspapers. If the neighbour who contacted you truly didn’t want to make a big deal of the situation they would not have contacted a newspaper, but would have done the neighbourly thing and simply talked to Ms. Hindley. 

In my opinion the Wellington Advertiser was not reporting on meaningful community news, but taking part in the public shaming of a county employee in an unfortunate and regrettable situation.

Sabrina Balch,
