‘Public health tragedy’

Dear Editor:

Public health is spewing out misinformation about ticks. In graphics that they are using on television, public health employees are suggesting that the American dog tick is causing Lyme disease. Nothing could be further from the truth! 

The American dog tick does not sustain the Lyme disease bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, in their midgut. This tick species kills the Lyme disease bacterium quickly.

In addition, public health has overlooked a newly discovered tick-borne zoonotic disease called human babesiosis caused by Babesia odocoilei. This single-celled parasite attacks red blood cells causing an array of symptoms. A recent study revealed that the most common symptoms are overwhelming fatigue, muscle and joint ache, and “brain fog.” This blood parasite is closely related to Plasmodium falciparum malaria.

Recently, public health disseminated misinformation about ticks on a TV news program on May 15. 

These highly paid public sector employees are misinforming the public about life-destroying, zoonotic diseases – a public health tragedy.

John Scott,