‘Program is working’

Dear Editor:

The carbon tax and rebate are working for me.

Just got my quarterly carbon tax rebate, $210 or $840 annually. It will help me shift from using polluting fossil fuels causing massive wildfires, wild floods and deaths from severe heat. 

What to spend that rebate on?

I could replace our gas clothes drier or lawn equipment. Or I could start saving for a bigger-ticket item like an ebike, heat exchanger or electric car.

Financially stressed households might not be able to consider these purchases, but the rebate certainly helps them out. Doing nothing to address climate change is already hurting everyone and without acting it is only going to get worse. 

Those calling to end the carbon tax/rebate program without any alternative must have some hidden agenda. Doing nothing only helps mega fossil fuel corporations continue to pay out extremely high dividends which the rest of us really suffer from.

The carbon tax rebate program is helping me to be part of the climate change solution. Applying your rebate wisely will reduce your fossil fuel use and increase the impact of future rebates. It’s a built-in reward for acting and that’s why this program is working for me.

Stan Kozak,