Pierre’s like Archie

Dear Editor:

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre keeps reminding us that he has the same self-serving relationship with the truth that U.S. President Donald Trump does.

He would like us to believe that Mark Carney moved his company to the U.S. at the behest of Trump with a loss of Canadian jobs. The truth is, that it was not his company. He was the chairman of the board of directors, not the owner. He was one voice within a decision made by the board of directors and that decision had to be ratified by the shareholders. The board’s decision was made before Trump was elected and the shareholder decision was made after Mark Carney resigned as chair.

The company is still Canadian, the headquarters remains in Canada, and no Canadians jobs were lost. But Poilievre never met a truth that he wasn’t willing to bend.

Now Poilievre would have us believe that Mark Carney is running for prime minister in order to manipulate government into making decisions that will make him wealthy. The truth is, that if Carney were focused on his own economic growth instead of Canada’s, there would be easier opportunities available to him. However, there is a multi-million dollar portfolio that we should look at.

Poilievre has assets in real estate and is against the Capital Gains Tax. He holds assets in five different energy companies and is pushing for pipelines. So which one is more likely to manipulate Canada’s economy for his own benefit? Perhaps it is the one that would apply any funds raised through tariffs to a generalized tax cut that would disproportionately benefit the rich, while ignoring workers who have lost their jobs and have no income to tax.

From weird red-flooded commercials that are designed to psychologically manipulate us into feeling fearful. To commercials with lovely images of climbing a hill that devolve into sensational images depicting Canada as broken, accompanied by audio that blames everything on extreme wokeism while ignoring the effects of rising populism and the pandemic.

Interviews with right-wing media, claiming that racial tensions only exist because the woke pointed out that we have a diverse population. Through to denying the existence of Canadian citizens, because he wants to be aware of only two genders.

It is time to realize, that the home that Pierre would take us to, would have us living in an Archie Bunker sitcom.

Joanne Mitchell,

*Editor’s note: While the shareholders of Brookfield Asset Management ratified the move  after Carney left the firm, the decision by the board to move the company to the U.S. was made prior to Carney’s departure. Brookfield Asset Management’s parent company, Brookfield Corp., continues to be headquartered in Toronto, but Brookfield Asset Management did in fact move its head office to New York.