Shaming or lifting?

Dear Editor: RE: County donors gave over $24,000 to ‘Freedom Convoy,’ Feb. 24. Is it really…

Buyer’s remorse?

Dear Editor: RE: County donors gave over $24,000 to ‘Freedom Convoy,’ Feb. 24. I supported the…

‘Absurd’ rhetoric

Dear Editor: Our physical and mental well-being are not the only things that have suffered…

Another election?

Dear Editor: It’s a shame that politicians are elected because they are popular and not because…

Divide for political gain

Dear Editor: RE: Declaration of war, Feb. 24. Your “Editor’s note” at the end of this letter…

Positive sign?

Dear Editor: RE: Federal Emergencies Act invoked for first time, Feb. 17.  At the end of this…

‘Real tyranny’

It’s hard to imagine how just a couple of weeks ago, we Canadians were subject to a bombardment…

Rights vs. privileges

The Ottawa truckers leader spoke of his rights to protest. But he did not realize a right also…

‘Lost the plot’

I sincerely hope that the readers of this paper who have been sending in letters dramatically…

‘Do something’

Dear Editor: Please put your money where your heart is and support the  Ukrainian Canadian…

Our tax dollars at work

Dear Editor: There are a few unhappy people in Palmerston regarding the working of the snow plow.…

Proud of community

Dear Editor: My fiancee and I were so very proud of our little town of Drayton on Family Day, Feb.…

No sense

Dear Editor: Common sense is not so common (Voltaire). Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s lack of…

Lack of respect

Dear Editor: The letters to the editor on Feb. 10 demonstrated your commitment to journalistic…