Flag meaning changed?

Dear Editor: Several months ago I was still able to proudly fly our distinguished national flag at…

‘Deserve a medal’

Dear Editor: Recently I visited the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health clinic to have my…

‘Throwing away’ money

Dear Editor: As lovely as it may seem to receive a refund regarding our license plate stickers,…

Time to ‘man up’?

Dear Editor: An open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Sir, in the not so distant past, we…

Mail bag: 03/24/2022

‘Fake heritage’? Dear Editor: RE: Couple has $30-million plan for downtown Elora, March 17.…

‘Pretty simple’

Dear Editor: RE: Teachers’ unions say it’s premature to end mask mandate in schools on March…

‘Swiss cheese’

Dear Editor: The section of Colborne Street between Gerrie Road and Beatty Line North has more…

‘Fake heritage’?

Dear Editor: RE: Couple has $30-million plan for downtown Elora, March 17. While I have absolutely…

Mail bag: 03/17/2022

‘Time will tell’ Dear Editor: RE: Get over yourselves, March 10. Before I get into the main…

‘Fair and balanced’

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Freedom convoy’ rolls through Centre Wellington, March 10. I just read the…

Trucker safety

Dear Editor: As a co-founder of Truckers for Safer Highways I am writing to you with updates on our…


Dear Editor: I should like to know how many of us in Wellington county are in the special category…

Kudos to Kelly

Dear Editor: Each week when the paper comes, I might skim over some headlines, but the only thing I…

Trudeau the terrible?

Dear Editor: To your readers who may still be blinded by all the fear and panic two years into this…

‘Don’t forget Afghanistan

Dear Editor: Recently, Ottawa/the federal government declared a state of emergency. If we expand…