Maddening, disrespectful

Dear Editor: Geez Louise. It is astounding to me that here we are in 2022 and I have to do the…

Separate church, state

Dear Editor: RE: No letter of support for local hospice coming from Centre Wellington council, July…

Keep religion private

Dear Editor: RE: No letter of support for local hospice coming from Centre Wellington council, July…

Individual choice

Dear Editor: RE: No letter of support for local hospice coming from Centre Wellington council, July…


Dear Editor: RE: No letter of support for local hospice coming from Centre Wellington council, July…

‘Unbelievable’ decision

Dear Editor: RE: No letter of support for local hospice coming from Centre Wellington council, July…

‘Moralist’ condescension

Dear Editor: RE: No letter of support for local hospice coming from Centre Wellington council, July…

Beautiful tower

Dear Editor: Many people had a real proud feeling on June 30, between 7 and 11am, as we watched the…

Mail bag: 07/21/2022

‘Outrageous’ decision Dear Editor: In response to the recent vote of our councillors to not…

‘Fantastic show’

Dear Editor: I have just seen the production of Mamma Mia at the St. Jacob’s Country Theatre and…

Successful breakfast

Dear Editor: The Elora Firefighter’s Association would like to extend a huge “thank you” to…

‘Breathtaking’ display

Dear Editor: The Mount Forest Fireworks Spectacular last weekend certainly lived up to its billing.…

Concerning comments

Dear Editor: RE: Erin awards two wastewater plant contracts totalling over $52  million, July 14.…

Stolen sheep

Dear Editor: We have operated a purebred sheep flock near Rockwood for 40 years and have sold…