Mail bag: 08/11/2022

Bad Erin roads Dear Editor: Where are the graders in Erin? A few years ago the roads in Erin were…

‘Hysteria on steroids’?

Dear Editor: The “crisis climate emergency” rammed down our ears daily is merely hysteria on…

Get heads out of sand

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Climate emergency’, July 28. I wanted to send out a “hip, hip, hurray” to…

Pave over green space?

Dear Editor: We cannot afford to pave over any more green spaces. Many creatures and insects are…

‘Let go of old ways’

I am saddened and angry to hear that Doug Ford plans to go ahead with the environmental disaster…

Straight, to the point

Dear Editor: I oppose the building of Highway 413. Susan Buchanan,…

Doesn’t believe Ford

RE: Wants action from MPP, Aug. 4. The Ontario government is doing little to deal with the crashing…

‘Free will’

Dear Editor: A month ago I received a call from a friend of mine that I had not heard from in a…

Values Victim Services

Dear Editor: Have you ever been involved in some  really unexpected trouble? Suppose you see an…

‘Corruption to the core’

Dear Editor: Doug Ford needs to cancel his plans to build Highway 413. Study after study has shown…

Mistake of omission

Dear Editor: To clarify what was written in the Arthur 150 Centennial Book, there are in fact two…

Costco kindness

I am writing to share with you the amazing kindness I was shown recently. While in line at Costco I…

‘Faith-based voting’

Dear Editor: In last week’s letter subjects included voting determined by religious belief on…

‘Compassion and care’

Dear Editor: My husband recently spent 44 days in Groves Memorial Community Hospital in the “blue…

‘Staring at cement walls

Dear Editor: Can someone please explain why Provost Lane in Fergus is shut for seating between two…