Obviously ‘satire’

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Must prevail,’ Nov. 14. When one writes a satirical letter to the editor, as…

‘Freeing the trees’

Dear Editor: I have noticed several trees around town shrouded with green plastic bags. None of…

‘Toronto logo’

Dear Editor: At the Sept. 26 Town of Erin council meeting, councillor John Brennan’s motion was…

No more respect

Dear Editor: RE: Teach the history, Nov. 7. Claudette Stevens makes the point that Israel is a…

Not patriotic?

Dear Editor: I attended the Nov. 11 Remembrance Day ceremony in Elora as I do every year.  A very…

‘Pretty disgrace’

Dear Editor: There is a brand new crosswalk at Smith Street/Conestoga Street this summer near the…

‘Drank the Kool Aid’

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Must prevail,’ Nov. 14. I assume Susannah Sinclair is writing tongue-in-cheek…

Magic of music

Dear Editor: RE: Marden author’s newest book explores ‘the healing power of music’, Oct. 30 I…

‘Their own community’

Dear Editor: I used to live in the Wellington area until 2002 and now live in Finland.  It’s…

‘More mindful’

Dear Editor: RE: Storybrook subdivision residents concerned about speeding drivers, Oct. 31. …

‘Must be a mistake’

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Must prevail,’ Nov. 14. I would like to respond to the letter written by…

Mail bag: 11/21/24

‘Toronto logo’ Dear Editor: At the Sept. 26 Town of Erin council meeting, councillor John…

‘Mindset change’

Dear Editor: RE: Open Mind column entitled Eating Disorders, Oct. 24. I agree with Paula Frappier…

‘Positive changes’

Dear Editor: RE: Council says ‘slow down’: speed limits to be lowered on 28 road segments, …

Infrastructure important

Dear Editor: RE: Centre Wellington council approves new urban boundary; proposal now goes to…