Dear Editor: RE: Advertiser publisher elected chair of News Media Canada, July 20. Congratulations…
Frustration, anger
Dear Editor: “Be aware of your surroundings ma’am!” he said. Did you know Elora has meter…
Windscreens removed
Dear Editor: At Mochrie and Voisin Real Estate Group we relentlessly market our client’s…
Invasive, non-native
Dear Editor: RE: Hiding in plain sight: is that beautiful bloom invasive? (July 20). I was so…
Mail bag: 07/27/23
Letter writer ‘wrong’ Dear Editor: RE: ‘Control agendas’? (July 20). The writer states…
Plot care a priority
Dear Editor: Elora Legion Br.229 places Canadian flags on known veterans’ graves at the Elora and…
‘Control agendas’?
Dear Editor: RE: Time to ‘wake up’? (June 22). It is time to get educated about climate change.…
Dragging our feet?
Dear Editor: Ontario’s extra needs for energy can be met by combining local solar, local battery…
‘Detrimental’ rights?
Dear Editor: RE: ‘Hard-won rights,’ July 13. Allan Berry thinks that my previous letter (‘Axe…
Mailbag 07/20/23
‘Enough is enough’ Dear Editor: Congratulations to Wellington North council for rejecting a…
‘Wrongfully mistreated’
Dear Editor: There are five good reasons we should oppose euthanasia as we witness the results of…
‘Horror and disbelief’
Dear Editor: RE: ‘Mockery’ to veterans? (July 13). I read Comrade Manley’s letter about the…
‘Thugs, miscreants’
Dear Editor: RE: Cherish it, June 29. After reading this editorial – which noted “persuasive…
Grateful for help
Dear Editor: A letter to the kind people who were shopping at Zehrs at lunchtime last Friday (July…
‘Totally destroyed’
Dear Editor: RE: Changed for the worse? (July 13). Yes, Elora is changing, It is being turned into…