Archived Letter – 1445

Dear Editor: Re:Carbon fee/ dividend: letter to the Editor: July 12/18 It’s a little late for…

Archived Letter – 1446

Re: ‘Science not settled’ Henry Brunsveld is simply wrong and his advice dangerous.…

Archived Letter – 1447

Dear Editor, RE: Science not Settled, July 19 If 97 engineers said a bridge was not safe, but 3…

Archived Letter – 1448

FireFighters Thankful We, the Elora FireFighter’s Association would like to express our thanks…

Archived Letter – 1449

It is disappointing to read that there are still people who believe the flawed 2004 consensus that…

Archived Letter – 1450

Dear Editor: My husband and I have had the privilege of living in Drew on the busy corner of…

Archived Letter – 1451

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Duck Tax’, July 26 Ms. Herschel doesn’t believe politicians…

Archived Letter – 1452

I hope that Carolann Krusky in her letter to Editor was using full-on satire. Her hysterical…

Archived Letter – 1453


Archived Letter – 1454

The Igloo Allegory Once upon a time there was a very rich man that lived in a huge house and drove…

Archived Letter – 1455

Henry Brusveld keeps telling us that we should believe Mark Morano as an authourity on climate…

Archived Letter – 1456

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Bogus” claim, August 2 Two conclusions from the paper on climate…

Archived Letter – 1457

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Economical with truth’ Ron Moore- Aug.2 Mr. Moore objects to my…

Archived Letter – 1458

Dear Wellington Advertiser Thank-you for printing a lovely article in regards to my family…

Archived Letter – 1459

Could we just take a moment to clarify the difference between matters of fact and matters of…