As Centre Wellington’s leaders ponder what to do with the OLG money, I would like to add my…
Archived Letter – 1251
With all the political noise raised about Khadr, one question remains unanswered. How exactly did a…
Archived Letter – 1252
With al the rhetoric about Khadr, one questions remains. I would like to know how a severely…
Archived Letter – 1253
Dear Editors; Hooray for Wynne and Lever ! So Premier Wynne sells 30% of Hydro One. Then she turns…
Archived Letter – 1254
BUS SHELTERS Let’s skip the idea of building a new Guelph library and provide bus shelters…
Archived Letter – 1255
Dear Editor: To The Gentleman in the Black Pick-Up Truck; Thank you so much for your act of…
Archived Letter – 1256
Re: Demolition of Erin School I have some concerns about the proposed development. The plan is to…
Archived Letter – 1257
Dear Editors; Poor Dumbo, a circus icon, must be a result of Mumbo and Jumbo. It is most Christian…
Archived Letter – 1258
The blue ribbons you see all over Centre Wellington and beyond send a powerful message: our water…
Archived Letter – 1259
Dear Editor Once again the Fergus Highland games were spectacular. The uniforms, tartans, games,…
Archived Letter – 1260
Dear Editors; Aiding and abetting: I listened to an advocate of “safe injection sites.”…
Archived Letter – 1261
Sent letter regarding new hospital, did not sign name David…
Archived Letter – 1262
Dear Editors; Legal Brilliance Every Canadian should take note that Mike Duffy’s legal…
Archived Letter – 1263
Re: Agree to disagree Saying “outsiders” don’t understand the rich agricultural…
Archived Letter – 1264
Dear Editors: The “smoke screen” created by the ETFO last week(Elementary Teachers…