RE: Horse Racing Appeal Panel clears local harness racing trainer of horse cruelty, March 14.…
‘Appalling cruelty’
Dear Editor: RE: Horse Racing Appeal Panel clears local harness racing trainer of horse cruelty,…
‘Critical green initiative’
Dear Editor: Do Wellington Advertiser readers want to take action on climate change? I definitely…
Time to ‘axe’ Ford?
Dear Editor: The Ford government’s first project in 2018 was to cancel 758 solar and wind…
Time to ‘speak up’
Dear Editor: I think it is very important that all Canadians have an awareness of what is written…
Pick up the poop
Dear Editor: RE: ‘You can do better,’ Feb. 29. In response to letters to the editor about…
‘Get with the program’
Dear Editor: RE: Taking care of business, March 14. Publisher Dave Adsett seems not to know that…
Happy day
Dear Editor: I have a son named Jack. He is like any other teen: he groans when asked to do a job,…
Mail bag: 03/21/24
Communities for people Dear Editor: I have read with dismay the series of letters bemoaning the…
Community ignored?
Dear Editor: RE: ‘Arrogance of council,’ Feb. 15. Sonia Day’s letter is still in my daily…
‘Already sweltering’
Dear Editor: RE: ‘Short-sighted bill,’ March 7. Thanks to our shortsighted provincial…
Ford’s fuel folly
Dear Editor: RE: ‘Short-sighted bill,’ March 7. Kudos to Gord Cumming on his insightful…
‘Price gouging’
Dear Editor: RE: Over a barrel (a portion of the editorial titled A different time), March 7. If…
Carbon tax ‘spin’
Dear Editor: I listen carefully each day to the spin by the Liberal federal government on the…
Nuclear waste risks
Dear Editor: In Ontario people should know that a nuclear waste dump will be established soon in…