Archived Letter – 1115

I am writing in response to the article in the Wellington Advertiser “ New Ball Park in…

Archived Letter – 1116

I just want to acknowledge the public service of Keith Macintosh. He ran the Wednesday night…

Archived Letter – 1117

Dear Editors: When Shakespeare wrote,”Wherefore art thou” I am sure he was referring to…

Archived Letter – 1118

Dear Editors; No doubt, when the plethora of Ontario students visit our provincial legislature in…

Archived Letter – 1119

I writing to you regarding the new school board’s policy for French Emersion. I think it is…

Archived Letter – 1120

Dear Premier Wynne. I am presenting this as an open letter due to the very serious event that has…

Archived Letter – 1121

Sorry, this is not really a letter to the editor, but I cant seem to open any thing else. I was…

Archived Letter – 1122

I want to congratulate Centre Wellington Council for supporting and approving funding for trail…

Archived Letter – 1123

The election of Donald Trump as President by our southern neighbours will have dire consequences…

Archived Letter – 1124

Dear Editor: On November 11, reflecting on the monumental sacrifices that Canadian soldiers have…

Archived Letter – 1125

Imagine a world where charity comes without judgement, without strings and without dehumanization.…

Archived Letter – 1126

GOOD PEOPLE, my wife and I were travelling to Detroit to a Red Wing game last February 14th. We…

Archived Letter – 1127

Dear Editor, I can’t help but feel Mapleton council fishing around in my pocket again. Only in…

Archived Letter – 1128

The fate of ash trees is in our hands I would like to continue the discussion started by Mr.…

Archived Letter – 1129

In your editorial of Nov 18, “Claiming the moral high ground” The editor may think it…