Peace and joy

Dear Editor: Why is it that people say “I hate to see Christmas come?” Has the very time for…

Tree committee thanks

Dear Editor: The Trees for Mapleton committee would like to thank the group of volunteers who…

Black market marijuana

Dear Editor: RE: School board asks municipalities to opt out of cannabis sales, Dec. 6. After…

Centre seeks help

Dear Editor: Merry Christmas from The Door Youth Drop in Centre. We desperately need your financial…

Trudeau twin?

Dear Editor: An open letter to the Prime Minister of Canada. Paris has experienced riots caused by…

‘Rude’ man steals spot

Dear Editor: I went to Walmart last Sunday afternoon with my two kids, aged 6 and 1, to get some…

‘Carte blanche’

Dear Editor: An open letter to Rod Phillips, Ontario’s Minister of Environment, Conservation and…

Blame lies with us

Dear Editor: The accumulated provincial deficit for Ontario is now at $325 billion. Yes, read that…

Bylaw enforcement

Dear Editor: Apathy or just uninformed? This question hit me hard recently as Erin’s 2019 budget…

Valued Volunteers

Dear Editor: I want to thank all of the volunteers at the New To You store and the volunteers at…

Blood donor clinic

Dear Editor: The blood donor clinic held in Fergus on Nov. 20 was well attended. Thanks to the…

Caring Conservatives?

Dear Editor: I am more than elated that this double hatter issue for our volunteer fire departments…

Gender lenses?

Dear Editor: An open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Can you please explain to me just…

Doing damage

Dear Editor: RE: Canada’s ‘buffoon,’ Nov. 29. I must applaud Delsie Drover for her letter…

‘Common sense’?

Dear Editor: RE: Canada’s ‘buffoon,’ Nov. 29. Trudeau is continuing in his father’s…