Dear Editor: Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Wellington would like to thank the 139 bowlers who…
Early Valentine’s
Dear Editor: On Feb. 13 I was heading home on Highway 6, just a half mile from my road, Wellington…
Important opportunity
Dear Editor: RE: Destroying their future (Feb. 21). I empathize with Doug Prest and his…
Climate ‘doomsday’?
Dear Editor: It is becoming tiring to constantly read articles and letters to the editor bashing…
Debate weary
Dear Editor: I have become weary of the continued debate and lack of action regarding the…
Winter woes
Dear Editor: Well everyone knows how winter comes and goes each year and we are supposed to have…
‘Once in a lifetime’
Dear Editor: Our community is amazing! Our teenager is involved with the 242 Air Cadets that meet…
‘Justice and truth’
Dear Editor: I feel compelled to write to address what I see as a social problem, and that is: do…
‘Incredible community’
Dear Editor: These feel like dark times. Not only are the skies really grey, the streets are piles…
Darren’s Day success
Dear Editor: On Feb. 18, Family Day, Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington, the Town of Minto,…
OPINION: Wildlife compensation changes welcomed
Updates to the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program were announced on Feb. 1 that should…
Religious freedom
Dear Editor: The recognition of the Supremacy of God in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has…
Ford fury
Dear Editor: I lived in Erin for 34 years and have always been amazed at how the area votes Tory. …
Clinic a success
Dear Editor: Despite the miserable weather on Jan. 29, blood donors from Centre Wellington and area…
School thankful
Dear Editor: Victoria Terrace Public School has been blessed with a wonderful, giving community and…