Dear Editor: Climate change, and the extent to which human behaviour is contributing to it, is,…
Theatrical stunt
Dear Editor: RE: Quarry opponents proclaim ‘future fly rock danger zone’ on Highway 7, March…
‘Risk to safety, property’
Dear Editor: RE: Quarry opponents proclaim ‘future fly rock danger zone’ on Highway 7, March…
‘Decide for yourself’
Dear Editor: RE: Individual, collective, March 21. Doug Prest claims that increased CO2 puts us on…
Groundhog poem
Dear Editor: There’s a furry little animal He’s famous far and near, The folks up there in…
Something for nothing?
Dear Editor: RE: The sooner the better, March 14. Ron Moore made a slight math error in comparing…
Budget ‘bribery’
Dear Editor: RE: The passage of the 2019 federal budget. Here we go people … bribery with our…
Won’t hold his breath
Dear Editor: RE: Religious are generous, March 21. Jan Kaikkonen was certainly right in her…
‘Taj Mahal’ pollution
Dear Editor: An open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. I know that your government is not…
New appointments
Dear Editor: Whereas the Liberals and Tories now think they can appoint anyone they like as head of…
Mosque shooting
Dear Editor: I was shocked to hear the news of the horrific attack on a mosque in Christchurch, New…
Save superstructure
Dear Editor: I understand the necessity to reconstruct the Badley bridge over the Grand River in…
‘Spending public money’
Dear Editor: RE: Town ‘failed to conduct reasonable search’ in response to FOI request, March…
RE: Ticks are tough, March 14. The letter submitted by John Scott of Fergus contained an error…
Computer ‘screw-up’
Dear Editor: Regarding the story in the news last week about the second crash of a Boeing passenger…