
Dear Editor: It is with apprehension that many concerned citizens await the provincial…

Mailbag: May 7, 2020

Remember them Dear Editor: This May, we remember the Canadians who sacrificed life and limb to help…

Walking’s a blessing

Dear Editor: Forty years ago I attended a country school, where an OPP officer  visited once a…

‘Gracious patience’

Dear Editor: I have a humourous story to tell. My wife and I were on a morning walk. We were on the…

Drive safe

Dear Editor: A letter to the aggressive driver on Sideroad 15  near Fergus. Your speeding and…

Put a helmet on

Dear Editor: With spring here and the nice weather, there are parents out riding with their kids.…

Salute to staff

Dear Editor: I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to our wonderful management staff at…

Phoney phone call

Dear Editor: RE: Big brother nanny state, April 30. As soon as I finished reading Janice…

‘Grin and bear it’

Dear Editor: RE: Big brother nanny state, April 30. I make no comment on the church argument Ms…

Love your neighbours

Dear Editor: RE: Big brother nanny state, April 30. I will stand with Janice Kaikkonen (at a…

Critical to work together

Dear Editor: RE: Big brother nanny state, April 30. For you to say “no science has ever proven…

‘One-man rule’

Dear Editor: RE: Petty politics, April 30. It is interesting to note that in replacing council with…

Remember them

Dear Editor: This May, we remember the Canadians who sacrificed life and limb to help liberate the…

Mailbag: 30/04/20

Celebration cancelled Dear Editor: The Arthur Optimist Club has held off as long as possible, but…