Dear Editor: Canada’s contribution to the world can be more than health innovations. Canada has…
Time for change, action
Dear Editor: As members of the non-black community, we can become allies with the Black Lives…
A poor choice
Dear Editor: To the tolerant, freedom- and choice-loving individual who stole my pro-life lawn…
Out of hand
Dear Editor: An open letter to public health officials. The mandatory mask debate is getting out of…
‘Affects us all’
Dear Editor: I do not live in Wellington County, but this issue affects us all. A friend posted his…
‘Damage done’
Dear Editor: The cartoon on page 11 of the June 18 edition of this paper goes beyond bad timing and…
‘No humour’
Dear Editor: Thank you for removing the cartoon of Trudeau with his knee on the beaver from your…
‘Crossed the line’
Dear Editor: Your editorial cartoon (June 18) crossed the line. To equate the Prime Minister’s…
Dear Editor: Last week’s issue contained a comic of Justin Trudeau taking a knee on a beaver who…
Dear Editor: I am utterly disappointed in the Wellington Advertiser’s choice to print the cartoon…
‘Do better’
Dear Editor: I am in disbelief you actually published the June 18 political cartoon of Justin…
Among those shocked
Dear Editor: Place me in the company of the overwhelming number of citizens who were shocked to…
‘Base cartoon’
Dear Editor: What on earth were you thinking of as editor, allowing that distasteful, inaccurate…
Fantastic pharmacy
Dear Editor: Thanks to pharmacies like the Elora Apothecary for all they’ve done to help during…
Particular about principles
Dear Editor: RE: Silent no more, June 11. I am surprised that no-one questioned James Weaver’s…