Dear Editor: I live near the intersection of Scotland Street and Belsyde Avenue in Fergus. Since…
A wake-up call
Dear Editor: If the current pandemic is not a wake-up call to the federal and provincial…
‘Cart before the horse’
Dear Editor: Is Erin town council and the mayor living in a bubble devoid of any reality? They have…
Put a price on it
Dear Editor: If so many people in Wellington County are against selling our water for commercial…
Mailbag: May 21, 2020
Liked coverage Dear Editor: Congratulations to the Advertiser on giving such caring attention to…
No to referendum
Dear Editor: RE: Citizens call for referendum on wastewater treatment facility in Erin, May 21.…
Shame on us
Dear Editor: Shame on us Canadians. We think we are holding our heads high facing the virus when we…
Forecast not valid
Dear Editor: One of the basic statements for a business is the income statement. By comparing…
Applauds gun ban
Dear Editor: RE: ‘Gun grab’ wont work, May 14. I find it interesting that Irma DeVries starts…
Bigger than cancer
Dear Editor: When Wellington County residents signed up to participate in Relay For Life in our…
Virtual fundraiser
Dear Editor: The Fergus and Marsville Lions Club have gone “virtual” and now so has our annual…
Liked coverage
Dear Editor: Congratulations to the Advertiser on giving such caring attention to May 5, the day…
Mailbag: May 14, 2020
‘Apprehension’ Dear Editor: It is with apprehension that many concerned citizens await the…
Welcome Wagon gone
Dear Editor: I have just heard that Welcome Wagon Canada has closed its doors forever. I didn’t…
Modelling musings
Dear Editor: RE: Health unit unveils local pandemic modelling, May. 7. I am always concerned when I…