‘Deal with it’

Dear Editor: RE: Minto residents receive anti-Pride flyer in mail, July 11. Personally, I take no…

‘Digital tools’

Dear Editor: I’ve been planning a letter to air my exasperation with the Ford government,…

Bank parking

Dear Editor: This is regarding the parking sign on the street beside RBC Bank in Fergus. I…

Popular pilot

Dear Editor: An open letter to the aerobatics pilot that flies in the area of Beatty Line and…

‘Their true selves’

Dear Editor: RE: Deeply concerned, July 18. We are certainly living in the midst of enormous change…

‘Respect others’ views’

Dear Editor: I recently had a great conversation with a gentleman who responded to my invitation in…


Dear Editor: RE: Elora Mohawks banners banned while township develops policy on Indigenous-themed…

‘Empty prayers’

Dear Editor: RE: Deeply concerned, July 18. Let me reassure Doug Vanderveen: the term “bigot”…

‘Doggy do’

Dear Editor: We are fortunate to have great walking trails in Centre Wellington. They are…

Another store needed

Dear Editor: I’ve been living in Elora for 15 years. I’m single, in my mid-70s but I can still…

‘Rural supplement’

Dear Editor: This letter pertains to anyone living in a rural location but has their mail delivered…

‘Extravagant waste’

Dear Editor: I am writing in regards to the proposal by Kat  Florence to extend the number of…

‘Abide by the law’

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Control-minded,’ July 4. If more and more people would “begin” to abide…

Prodded to switch

Dear Editor: RE: Carbon charge shock, July 11.  Last week, letter writer Paul Roberts asked…

Smelly barns

Dear Editor: I grew up on a farm and have been in hen houses, but I never thought that I would be…