Dear Editor: Thanks to the Wellington Advertiser and Kelly Waterhouse. Someone finally acknowledged…
ATVs safe and fun
Dear Editor: My family have been riding ATV, snow machines, etc. for over 45 years without injury…
Lights missing
Dear Editor: Shame on you again mayor, council and Centre Wellington. Did anyone else notice the…
Not exempt from rules
Dear Editor: What’s wrong with this picture? I may be getting old but I thought the three most…
Environment attacked
Dear Editor: Once again our environment is under attack. This time by the Ford government! The…
‘At great risk’
Dear Editor: The good news is that the recently released Cultural Heritage Landscape Study Report…
Time changes
Dear Editor: Ending the disruptive bi-annual clock change is great! But making Daylight Savings…
‘Reckless’ stupidity
Dear Editor: As someone who lives near the baseball diamonds at St. David Street South and Albert…
Kindness of a stranger
Dear Editor: Here is another act of kindness which certainly brightened my day and lots of other…
‘Aggressive’ moves
Dear Editor: RE: ‘Pro-development council’, Dec. 17. Ken Cowling has raised some valid concerns…
No ATVs on local roads
Dear Editor: We, the Minto Safe Communities Committee, strongly oppose allowing the use of ATVs on…
Not about religion
Dear Editor: RE: Use brain to avoid ‘fog’, Dec. 17. Just a few thoughts about Jane…
Parents know better
Dear Editor: Community Living Guelph Wellington (CLGW) executive and board of directors recently…
Mail bag: 23/12/20
‘Masked angel’ Dear Editor: I think we can all agree that 2020 is a year that we will be happy…
‘A disappointment to all’
Dear Editor: There are few vocalists on the entire planet who are able to instill national pride as…