Dear Editor: RE: No ATVS on local roads, Dec. 31. After reading Ms. Eybel’s letter and because of…
Medication plan
Dear Editor: I need you and your friends employers to call your MPP and tell them how the OHIP+…
Already smells bad
Dear Editor: RE: Engineering marvel, Jan. 7. I have been a resident of Erin for over 40 years and I…
Location, location
Dear Editor: Has the cooperation between the Town of Erin and the developer Solmar, allowed for the…
Well is dry
Dear Editor: The well has gone dry. It’s time Centre Wellington council puts a freeze on grants…
Mail bag: 07/01/2021
Lights missing Dear Editor: Shame on you again mayor, council and Centre Wellington. Did anyone…
Slimy cover-up attempt
Dear Editor: It is bad enough that Minister Rod Phillips displayed a complete lack of judgement and…
Thanks to staff
Dear Editor: A big thank you to the amazing staff at Wellington Terrace! This was mom/Nana’s…
Tag team socialism
Dear Editor: About five months ago Premier Doug Ford issued a moratorium on rent increases in…
Keep ARC centres open
Dear Editor: Hello – With this letter, I want to shine a light on a crisis in our community and…
Started with Harper
Dear Editor: Re: “China connections,” Dec. 22. According to CTV news, it was Stephen Harper’s…
Engineering marvel?
Dear Editor: I have spent the past while on a mission trying to evaluate Ontario wastewater plants.…
Dear Editor: Yeah, let’s hope that this new year is better than the last. We came home from a…
Where are the police?
Dear Editor: The recent letters, “Reckless stupidity,” “Time changes,” “No ATVs on local…
Out of touch
Dear Editor: It is disheartening to see how really out of touch our politicians have become. We all…