Dear Editor: RE: Report recommends $38-million diversion of river around Harriston, Feb. 4. The…
Spewing ‘nonsense’
Dear Editor: I was appalled to see that Centre Wellington councillor Steve VanLeeuwen has joined…
Rights have limits
Dear Editor: It’s disappointing to hear the disinformation Centre Wellington councillors Steven…
Mail bag: 04/02/21
‘A viable safeguard’ Dear Editor: RE: Just like Hitler? (Jan. 28). Wayne Baker wrote of the…
Food/nutrition advocate
Dear Editor: It has come to my attention that some high schools are cancelling food and nutrition…
Consultation key
Dear Editor: The wastewater treatment facility will bring essential change to our community; and…
United in battle
Dear Editor: You are in a war with an unseen enemy! The president of an African country made a…
Free pass for PM?
Dear Editor: How do we, as Canadians, put up with the incompetence of our federal government, day…
‘Our hearts are broken’
Dear Editor: I write this letter to the individual driving northbound on Watson Road South at about…
Good Samaritan
Dear Editor: Many thanks to the good Samaritan who surprised us with a cheerful note and a…
Likes roads MAP
Dear Editor: RE: Wellington County launches roads master action plan, Jan. 28. I think that this…
‘Gatekeepers of real truth’
Dear Editor: RE: Just like Hitler? (Jan. 28). I fully support the Wellington Advertiser’s policy…
‘A viable safeguard’
Dear Editor: RE: Just like Hitler? (Jan. 28). Wayne Baker wrote of the generations that fought and…
Choker lanes a joke
Dear Editor: Here we go again, another lousy idea from our council. Firstly, the pictures…
CPR suggestion
Dear Editor: RE: Centre Wellington firefighter receives medal for off-duty heroism, Jan. 14. When…