Hydro handouts?

Dear Editor: Four hundred years ago, Drago Pogrosski analyzed the actions of the Chinese Dynasty.…

‘Time, patience, effort’

Dear Editor: In the novel The Plague by Albert Camus  (he won the Nobel prize for literature), the…

COVID spread

Dear Editor: COVID-19 is spread from person to person. COVID-19 is in the water droplets an…

‘Cancel culture’

Dear Editor: RE: VanLeeuwen out, Dunsmore in as deputy mayor, Feb. 25. It is obvious that “cancel…

Thankful for letter

Dear Editor: RE: Treatment plant needed, Feb. 25. I could not agree more with Rod Finnie’s last…

‘Second class’?

Dear Editor: Are Minto’s seniors second-class citizens? On Feb. 24, Minto seniors received…

Read a book, people

Dear Editor: I was appalled when a recent protest outside of a local nursing home featured signs…

Mail bag: 02/25/2021

For-profit problems Dear Editor: For humanity and necessity I agree with the immediate government…

Facts and truth

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Socialist narrative’, Feb. 11. Wayne Baker’s original complaint was about…

Nazis not the worst

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Extreme views’, Feb. 11. Again, I read with interest, Jim Taylor’s letter…

‘Balanced reporting’

Dear Editor: RE: ‘Socialist narrative’, Feb. 11. Wayne Baker uses the word socialism in a…

Use ‘real’ methods

Dear Editor: I would love to help our local restaurants. But only the pizza places deliver.…

Advice for ‘naysayers’

Dear Editor: There seems to be a number of people questioning the possibility of using vaccine from…

Valuable Valentines

Dear Editor: I simply want to say a huge thank you to the staff and students of the various…

‘Good folks’

Dear Editor: I am new resident to beautiful Elora and I must say the people here are as beautiful…