Dear Editor: RE: The “rebels without a clue” editorial cartoon of Feb. 11. This cartoon would…
Vaccine contrast
Dear Editor: At about 9:30am on March 4, I was on my way to my office in Harriston, and listening…
Truck tragedies
Dear Editor: Approximately a year and a half ago, I sent a letter to the editor of the Wellington…
No credit for Trudeau
Dear Editor: RE: ‘Truly remarkable’, March 4. I agree with Peter van Vloten that we need to be…
Dangerous drivers
Dear Editor: I’m writing about my disappointment with fellow drivers in foul weather. On March 1…
The wonder of water
Dear Editor: With most of us locked down in our homes, this pandemic year has made us focus on the…
‘A water issue’
Dear Editor: It is likely that few newcomers to Centre Wellington are aware that they have moved to…
Reimagining misgivings
Dear Editor: Plans are being made to reconstruct Saint David Street North in Fergus and apparently…
Not over yet
Dear Editor: Years of effort to stave off water bottlers in this and countless other communities…
Vaccination lesson
Dear Editor: When I was five-years-old, I contracted polio. Despite a very negative prognosis, with…
Mail bag: 04/03/2021
‘Second class’? Dear Editor: Are Minto’s seniors second-class citizens? On Feb. 24, Minto…
‘Superficial analysis’
Dear Editor: The Jan. 14 Advertiser included a letter indicating the 2020 national COVID-19 death…
Librarian love
Dear Editor: I’d like to write to express my appreciation for our librarians. We are frequent…
‘Truly remarkable’
Dear Editor: Many Canadians express concern about vaccine availability and criticism of…
‘Tell us the truth’
Dear Editor: Recently an Advertiser article stated that “all residents of those facilities…