Fergus speeding

Dear Editor: I would like to add to the growing numbers of posts from residents of Fergus; there…

‘Walkable, bikeable’

Dear Editor: RE: “Reimagining misgivings” and “Lower limit, double fines,” March 11. I felt…

’Pain in the neck’

Dear Editor: Daylight savings time is a pain in the neck. It’s time to abolish it. My proposal:…

‘Appalled at treatment’

Dear Editor: RE: Bad lab experience, March 11. As a lab technician for almost 25 years at our local…

Mail bag: 03/11/2021

Vaccination lesson Dear Editor: When I was five-years-old, I contracted polio. Despite a very…

‘Only one way to think’

Dear Editor: RE: VanLeeuwen out, Dunsmore in as deputy mayor, Feb. 25. How dare any councillor have…

Church is essential

Dear Editor: A church in the Waterloo region was recently fined for opening its doors for worship.…

Lower limit, double fines

Dear Editor: I noticed that council decided to defer any immediate action regarding community…

Weakened position?

Dear Editor: An open letter to Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole. I voted for you in the…

Truth will prevail

Dear Editor: RE: Free pass for PM? (Feb. 4). There is an old saying “Those who live glass houses…

Kudos for clearing

Dear Editor: I would like to thank the Township of Wellington North roads and works department for…

Turning 100 poem

Dear Editor: On Becoming One Hundred You asked me “What is it Like? I wish  some wise words I…

Props for police

Dear Editor: My mother was a Grandview survivor (at 14 years old). My mother volunteered at Guelph…

Kind strangers

Dear Editor: I am writing this on behalf of my sister who fell in front of the Quick Pick Variety…

Bad lab experience

Dear Editor: I am writing to the lab “technician” who injured and traumatized my daughter on…