Other treatments?

Dear Editor: It is more than 1.5 years of COVID-19 and constant vaccine media info. Many, many…

‘Hate and racism’?

Dear Editor: RE: Use all resources, Aug. 19. In publishing this vitriolic letter, in which all…

Mail bag: 09/02/21

‘Hatred and vitriol’ Dear Editor: Is this what a democratic election looks like in 2021? Is it…

Mail bag: 08/26/21

Time for action Dear Editor: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released…

Emperor has no clothes

Dear Editor: My comments relate to the article published on July 22 “the Ear to Groundwater Tour…

Waste of money?

Dear Editor: Re: Aug. 19 editorial (Gratuitous election call). You seem to sympathize with…

Perfect weekend

Dear Editor: Thank you to Riverfest’s Wish You Were Here weekend of great music and fun on the…

Faith in action

Dear Editor: I trust in God and I brush my teeth. I trust in God and I pay my bills. I trust in God…

Seeking information

Dear Editor: I am researching for a book, which will mention Kenneth Neil Lewis (1914-1998). He…

Not enough officers

Dear Editor: RE: “Unnecessary fatality” and “Opposes speed bumps” (Aug. 19). Both letters…

Won’t run, won’t vote

Dear Editor: I have received many enquiries as to whether I am running as a candidate in the Sept.…

‘Grow up’

Dear Editor: As children we are expected to learn to respect the rights of others! As grown ups we…

Time for action

Dear Editor: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released this month has…

Mail bag: 08/19/2021

Unnecessary fatality Dear Editor: On Saturday afternoon, Aug. 6, under sunny weather conditions,…