Support ‘sucks’

Dear Editor: In your article Region declared variant ‘hotspot’ (June 17) issue, it says:…

Mail bag: 06/17/2021

‘Wake up’ Dear Editor: Who was the genius that turned Wellington Road 18 into a truck bypass?…

Committee confusion

Dear Editor: RE: Committee ready to abandon sculpture project to honour Jack R. MacDonald, June 10.…

Questionable claims

Dear Editor: RE: Fossil fuels, June 10 Henry Brunsveld claims, “China has no intention of…

‘Change is inevitable’

Dear Editor: RE: Fossil fuels, June 10. I was angered when I first read Henry Brunsveld’s three…

People over politics

Dear Editor: RE: Might vs. right, June 3. I do not need a lesson on history or politics. My letter…

‘Shame on you’

Dear Editor: On May 31 of this year, the provincial government was faced with a critical vote:…

Thanks for nothing

Dear Editor: An open letter to Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece. This email is in regards to…

‘Important symbols’

Dear Editor: The discovery of children in unmarked graves in Canada is incredibly heartbreaking.…


Dear Editor: Just wanted to express my deepest condolences and sympathies to our sisters and…

‘Wake up’

Dear Editor: Who was the genius that turned Wellington Road 18 into a truck bypass? Did anyone ever…

Mail bag: 06/10/2021

‘We all need a hero’ Dear Editor: RE: Consultation lacking, June 3. In response to Walter…

‘Deeply concerned’

Dear Editor: RE: Too many ‘buts’, May 27. Reprimanding individuals who choose to decide for…

Paid parking perplexing

Dear Editor: RE: Hospital, clinic separate, June 3. I found it troubling that the only response…

‘Wrong direction’

Dear Editor: RE: Do something, June 3. I was not surprised to read Gerry Walsh’s letter, in which…