‘Outright bigotry’

Dear Editor:

This week, Minto residents were collectively spammed with an anonymous flyer decrying the inclusionary nature of Minto, as it relates to Minto Pride. The person(s) responsible for this disgusting missive of course do not state who they are. 

They did, however, state that 900 residents complained to Minto council and were ignored. Well, those 900 persons are less than 10 per cent of the population of Minto, and yet they feel that as a small minority of persons, they should have the right to decide what is correct for the entire population of the Town. They feel that Minto Pride is not representative of all Minto residents. Well, bigoted attitudes are also not representative of all of Minto. 

Let me state for the record, and I am happy to sign my letter, that this type of outright bigotry has no place in our community. 

Minto is a fantastic place to be. It is a place for all of our neighbours – our Muslim neighbours, our Hindu neighbours, our Christian neighbours, our LGBTQ+ neighbours, our straight neighbours, our atheist neighbours – everyone. 

Speaking of Christian neighbours, if the persons who are complaining about the inclusion we offer to everyone (no matter what their religion or orientation), call themselves Christian, then perhaps they should read their own Bibles and ask themselves “what would Jesus do?” 

My understanding of the Christian faith is that Jesus did not discriminate against anyone, and told his followers to love their neighbour as themselves. He did not say love only the neighbours who look and think exactly like yourself, but to love everyone. All your neighbours – your Black neighbours, your brown neighbours, your Indigenous neighbours, your gay neighbours – all your neighbours. 

Who are these anonymous complainants who feel they can decide to destroy anything they don’t like, just because they don’t like it? Please, make yourselves known. If you have any integrity please declare yourselves publicly. I for one would like to meet you and hear exactly what it is you are so afraid of, and maybe we could have a mature conversation about human rights and dignity for all. 

Also, I would like you to explain how somebody being gay hurts you personally? How do rainbow crosswalks hurt you personally? How do drag story hours hurt you personally? Because I can tell you that your hatred does hurt others personally, and that is truly offensive.

Don’t like drag queens? Well, don’t become a drag queen. Don’t like gayness? Well, don’t be gay. Don’t like the idea of someone being trans? Well, you don’t have to be trans, either. 

As a matter of fact, you don’t have to be anything you don’t want to be. Please allow the rest of us that same privilege. Sexual orientation is not a choice. Being a bigot is a choice. 

Juanita Wilkins,