Offset credit

Dear Editor:

RE: Retroactive rebate, April 18.

While I cannot offer an opinion on the figures stated in Delsie Drover’s letter as no references were provided, I will agree that if the government is going to tax us on the amount of carbon dioxide that we produce then they must also take into account any offsets that we might contribute.

Owners of land that has a large population of trees can provide a significant offset that cannot be ignored. In 2011 my wife and I moved from a 100-acre lot in eastern Ontario, approximately 75% of which was bush. Prior to our move there was talk of a tax on carbon dioxide production. At that time I pointed out to the various levels of government that I expected that if they proceeded with such a tax that I would expect a credit because of the offset that my land was producing. 

If I still owned the property I would most certainly be proceeding with my options and I urge anyone currently in such a position to do so. Further, our property contained beaver flood of about five acres. The bush and the flood provided habitat for many different species of wildlife. I also believe that landowners should be given credit for providing valuable wildlife habitat. 

City folk do not seem to understand the environmental contribution that privately-owned lands can provide.

Paul Dorney,
