‘Off-shore money’?

Dear Editor:

RE: Benefactor offers to build public washrooms in Elora, May 30.

How many washrooms does a small town need? The mayor of Centre Wellington and his council hear “free” and right away agree with the idea.

Things are not free, especially with Pearle, Hillis and Kogen – there are strings attached. The township does not own the land or the buildings. Twenty-five thousand dollars per year to clean and operate?

This is another way to control your little town. Every restaurant and pub have washrooms. The Taj Mahal of washrooms is behind 1 MacDonald Square. 

These groups are taking more control of your town and controlling council by asking for tax breaks, lane variances and variances to put posts on a Mill Street  sidewalk for an overhead balcony, and many others. 

Off-shore money is running Elora.

J. Alexander,