Nothing’s changed

Dear Editor:

On Dec. 19, St. David Street North (Highway 6) reopened.  

Racing through the traffic lights started basically right away. Trucks big and small ran red lights. Pedestrians walked illegally across as they made drivers who had the right of way wait.  They also walked across the street as the light turned yellow then red.  All starting to cross while the light was changing.   

I thought the bike lanes and redo of the street was going to be something that was safe for all. To me nothing has changed in the attitudes of vehicle drivers and pedestrians. Now bikes are being added.

Is there some sort of barrier between the bike and the vehicles for safety? What about stopping at streets before crossing with their bikes like pedestrians should?  

Maybe someone needs to hang around and hand out tickets or something else to put safety first.  Not race through the lights first.  

Lucy Dyment,