Dear Editor:
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seems to think that paying more for fossil fuels will convince Canadians to switch to cleaner alternatives. He’s wrong.
Canadians are now paying extra for their fuel, in addition to their insanely inflated grocery, rent and utility bills. They have less money now, not more. Why would they spend their money on buying things that are “cleaner”?
These people do not have money to switch to buy a new electric vehicle, to install a “cleaner” heating system in their house, to buy the newest “energy efficient” appliances. If this is his plan to help Canadians, it’s not working.
Trudeau needs to start helping Canadians with real problems, not issues across the globe (like “climate change enhanced storms”) or reducing the intangible “carbon footprint.” He needs to help Canadians with their real problems: unaffordable housing, inflated prices, homelessness, inaccessible health care and more.
Carbon tax is not the answer!
Jasmine Doekes,
Grand Valley