Mending fences

Dear Editor:

On June 28 at about 7:30, there was a knock on my front door.  Six young guys (aged 16 to 19) were standing on my veranda.

“How can I help you?” I inquired. 

“We knocked down part of your fence and want to make it right.”  

I said, “Let me get my boots and we’ll take a look.” I followed them to the scene of their accident near my gate. There were a few smashed panels of rails and stones tossed about.

Did anyone get hurt?  Where is the vehicle? No one injured and the vehicle is at home!

Okay then, when can we fix this damage? We decided on the next day at 1pm. I pointed out that we’d need some tools and materials.

I put some of the tools we’d be needing in the back of my truck and awaited their arrival. 12:50pm came, then 1:00, then 1:10 – had I been scammed? With a roar, flags a-flying, two pick-ups arrived. Out poured four guys, together with shovels, wire and some tools.

We introduced ourselves (first names only was all I wanted).   Let’s get to work. “Who knows how to fix a rail fence?” No one raised his hand.  “I did because I built this one” I said.

In less than an hour, we talked, they listened, learned and built. We fixed the fence and cleaned up.  We all shook hands, reflecting on the events of the last 24 hours.

I pointed to my property and said, “Don’t  forget that Bruce lives here and he is one of the good guys.” We all laughed. Off they went in another roar of trucks, exhaust and flags-a-flying

 I’m sure that they all sighed a breath of relief and I hope that they will remember their responsible behaviour, a favour returned and that good deeds are appreciated when they “Build a fence someday.” Nice young guys, who got into a bit of a mess but did the right thing. Thanks guys.

Bruce Hawkins,