‘Manipulative planning’

Dear Editor:

RE: Consultation key, Feb. 4.

I find Mayor Allan Alls’ letter to be somewhat accurate, however very misleading.

No doubt experts were consulted during this long process. Community engagement was done only to meet the requirements of the process.

All town residents were not informed during the process. Residents were not given the opportunity to question and receive valid answers in return.

When a meeting was held by the town, notice of the meeting was not delivered to each resident.

Some meetings were held in a venue which did not anticipate the size of the crowd in attendance. After lengthy presentations were made not enough time was allocated for questions. Questions were not properly answered with accurate facts. Questions that were unable to be answered at the meeting were not followed up on by the town.

I asked and am still waiting for the answer to my question about accurate costs of hookup for the residents. Monies or grants required was answered with the statement of we are going to build it with or without grants. The town will just borrow the money and charge the residents on the tax bill. The statement of we are not rushing any decision is just simply ludicrous.

Decisions are being made without consultation from the majority of the residents. Asking a resident that is going to give you the answer you want to hear is not consultation, it is manipulative planning.

I would suggest the town open its website on the wastewater project up for questions submitted to be published for all to see and answers be printed for all to see. I am sure some comments received should not be published, however properly formatted and submitted questions would be a start to improving the transparency and trust in our elected town council.

I would also suggest the town put an immediate halt to all construction and planning until questions are properly answered. I have many questions about this project and the planning of our town growth but I will not ask nor waste my time if I know I am not going to get a proper answer.

So how about it, Mayor Alls, let the questions go public: yes or no?

Paul Tomkinson,